
Why Cademi is the Perfect Resource for Modern Learners

If you’re operating a small to medium size enterprise (SME), then you understand the vital role your
employees play not only in running your business, but growing it as well. Margins are tight, deadlines
are tough, and everyone is giving it their all to reach this quarter’s goals. In such a busy space, a strong
sense of community and cooperation isn’t only a benefit—it’s a necessity.

You care about your employees, both their health and mental well-being—and you also understand that
their growth is synonymous with company growth. Their success can make or break a quarter in a way
larger companies wouldn’t even have to think about. However, often at odds with this is the reality of
the modern job market.

Employee retention can be a looming concern, with people quick to move on to greener pastures once a
new opportunity presents itself. High turnover doesn’t just hurt productivity, it can also do a real
number to employee morale. At a small business where people are close both physically and mentally,
you want a team that works together, succeeds together, and grows together.

The question is: how can you both encourage employees to stay, while also maximizing their potential?

Cademi and the Holistic Learning Platform

The key to answering that question, we’ve found, is through learning. Everyone loves a healthy work
environment, one where they feel community and a sense of accomplishment—but something just as
vital is a sense of individual growth. Value through experience. Employees thrive when they feel a sense
of progress, a sense of fulfillment in their personal skills.

In that way, what prevents them from getting all that fulfillment at this job and has them searching for
another? The answer is complicated and subjective—but there is one through-line. Everyone who runs
an SME knows how non-stop the modern business world can be. There’s always something pressing and
it can be difficult to organize training sessions that are not only helpful, but properly individualized and
tailored to the modern learner’s needs. No one wants to throw away money without seeing an ROI.

That’s where Cademi steps in.

Through our Holistic Learning Platform, we can offer a massive catalogue of expertly crafted, and effectively implemented training that caters to the individual needs of employees. Compared to even a few decades ago, the modern learner and how they retain knowledge is surprisingly unique to all of human history. Gone are the hours spent tirelessly pouring over textbooks in some lonely corner of a library. Smart phones, videos, and infinite customization have come to dominate the modern learning market. However, not only using those new tools but adapting them specifically for the modern business world is what sets Cademi apart.


A modern worker is estimated to check their phones 9 times an hour.[1] They are also more likely to
turn to Google when seeking answers to on-the-job questions—an instinct that inevitably leads back to
the smartphone. This instinct to turn to one’s smartphone is an opportunity we’ve discovered for Microlearning—a strategy of breaking larger training sessions into smaller, manageable chunks.

Studies show that Microlearning may be up to 17% more effective at transferring knowledge than
traditional classroom training, and may even increase information retention by 20%. [2]Studies show that the modern employee has about 1% of their workweek to devote to training. Broken down, that’s only 24 minutes. But Cademi is made to maximize those minutes.


By offering flexible lessons that can be opened and closed in the minutes before meetings, on daily
commutes, or during a coffee break between tasks, Cademi allows employees to engage with their
learning on their time, in the moments that feel most comfortable.


One in four modern learners wish their current learning management system had gamified elements.
This is an understandable desire, considering 72% of employees report that gamification has a positive
impact on their work enthusiasm.[3]

This is compounded by gamification’s impact on learner engagement, which can increase by up to
60%.[4] Another positive trend is the reduced need for repetition, with learners acquiring and
maintaining new information at a much faster rate. What this all means is that gamified elements do not
only encourage employees to learn more, but also increases their knowledge and general morale.
Recognizing this connection, Cademi provides a full host of options to create engaging digital training
accessible anywhere and on any device. The service provides all you need to import and modernize your
current training assets, or create bespoke courses using any media format, from videos, corm files,
photo hotspots, to more basic test and audio files.

Customized Support for Employees

Employees can feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin when a large variety of learning lessons
and methods are made available at once. To make the process as quick and easy as possible, Cademi
offers several services to help users get started.

One is through “benchmarking”, a process that allows Cademi to identify gaps in a user’s knowledge
base. With this information, Cademi will provide relevant content intended to meet that users’ unique

Another method is through Cademi “Artificial Intelligence”, a system that allows the platform to make
content recommendations based on users’ psychometric results, skills analysis, and interactions with the
system.  55% of modern learners desire personalized learning that fits the idea of “right stuff, right time to help me.”[5] With this in mind, Cademi helps to learn what works and what doesn’t based on a user’s actions, and tailors future lessons to ensure no time is wasted.


Customised Support for Managers

A key feature of Cademi is its ability to not only gather metrics on its users, but also provide that data to
management for insight into the individual strengths, skill sets, and knowledge gaps of their business.
The platform provides approved users with access to full 360 analytics via a user-friendly dashboard that
displays the data gathered on its users. This can allow management to take a more involved approach to
their employee’s journey, recognizing strengths to encourage and weaknesses to assist with. While this may come as a surprise to some, 74% of workplace learners report wanting management support in their learning. With Cademi, personalising support is made clear and easy.

Continued Value Through Experience

Studies show that personalized training and learning investment it can have an overwhelmingly positive
impact on employee attraction, performance, and retention. 94% of employees say they would be more
willing to stay with a company that invests in their training and development.

Retention rates in companies that offer online training can increase by as much as 60%, a greater amount than the 8-10% reported with typical classroom training.[6] Not only does Cademi provide a unique learning experience that capitalizes on the needs and schedules of a modern employee learner, it also provides benefits far beyond those of classroom-based learning.

If you are looking to maximize your businesses success while encouraging a capable, committed, and happy group of employees, the Cademi Holistic Learning Platform is your perfect route to success.

If you would like to book a demo, then we would be delighted to guide you around the platform.

Alternatively, contact a member of the Cademi team to start your 14-day free trial of the platform.